$197.00 USD

Every month

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Well Being in Action Membership Community

Our WBA community is a supportive and inclusive space that gathers individuals interested in exploring and understanding the the effects of aging on our physicality.

It serves as a platform for sharing insights, experiences, and knowledge related to the aging athlete and general aging.

Within this community, members engage in discussions, workshops, and events aimed at deepening their understanding of how the body changes with age, options for healing, programs designed for specific musculoskeletal issues and the latest information on joint care.

It fosters a sense of belonging, mutual learning, and empowerment, providing a nurturing environment for individuals to explore their unique paths and connect with like-minded individuals on their journey of understanding the physical body.

We will have a monthly educational series and bi-monthly meetings to discuss individual questions.  

As a WBA Member, you're entitled to a 15% savings to work with Jodi 1 on 1! 🔥

Use COUPON CODE — WBAMM15 — to save 15% on Well Being in Action (WBA) Weekly 1 on 1 with Jodi!